Search Results for: 2017 720p

Troy The Odyssey 2017 720p WEB-DL x264-TFPDL

Troy The Odyssey 2017 720p WEB-DL x264-TFPDL
In this re-telling of Iliad, set in 1174 B.C. after ten years of fighting in the Trojan War, the Greek warrior Odysseus decides to travel for home, but instead finds a string of mis-adventures over the sea and land as he, along with a captive Trojan warrior named Circe as well as a group of loyal Greek soldiers, venture on the sea and land to get home to the island kingdom of Icarus and fighting sea sirens, and other mystical creatures to get home to his wife Penelope who is being hounded by a group of suitors hoping she will chose to make one of them their bride.
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Bloody Drama 2017 720p WEBRip x264-TFPDL

Bloody Drama 2017 720p WEBRip x264-TFPDL
Bloody drama follows the story of a pool party involving five former college sororiety sisters attempting one last weekend blowout. While trying hard to grab onto their fun youth filled past they are faced with what is their troubled divisive present. As they water down their issues with booze and drugs unbeknownst to them an evil lurks around them with murderous convictions. How much carnage will not only their personal resentments cause but will this insidious create? Bloody Drama is a throwback to the great horror films of our past, Halloween, Friday the 13th, and Nightmare on elm street.
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Maigret In Montmartre 2017 720p HDTV x264-TFPDL

Maigret In Montmartre 2017 720p HDTV x264-TFPDL
After telling Maigret she overheard a plot to kill ‘the countess’ club singer Arlette is strangled and soon afterwards the body of an elderly, reclusive countess is also discovered. Maigret believes a third person was present when Arlette was killed and is anxious to trace a man called Oscar, whose name Arlette cried out in her sleep. Meanwhile young rent boy Philippe, who shared the countess’s drug addiction, n survives an attempt on his life but is too scared to help the police. Maigret finds out that both the dead women once lived at a Nice hotel, where the countess’s husband died in odd circumstances and where Oscar also worked. This leads him to track down Oscar and to the closure of his case.
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